Tuesday 5 January 2016

The Beginning and Ending

Here I have it ... 2 years of hard work paying off... Wow. Just wow. Please screenshot this moment.

I can only tell you (and myself) one thing. Never give up because we are infinite. Trust me. 

How am I feeling? Amazing.

What is a quote that goes well with my current emotions/thoughts? "And in that moment, I swear we were infinite."

This marks the end of my high school life but just the beginning of a new phase of my life, university. Let this new challenging life begin starting in the 28th of Feburary, 2016. 


  1. Hey! Finally checked my email that get's all my blog notifications! Thank you for leaving such awesome comments. Iteally should update my blog, but I figured no one looks at it anymore and that it would just fade in the the vast emptiness of the world wide internet.

    Congrats on getting accepted into college! It's a wild ride in undergrad, but it is an experience that can shape you as a human being depending on how you invest your time, studies, and experiences there. Feel free to keep in touch if you have any questions about college or anything really. :)

    - VizzyOne

  2. Thank you :)

    I am excited for uni. Which university you went to? I am thinking about doing a ph.D over in the US or UK in four years time after I complete my honours here in Australia. The universities I am looking are Cambridge and MIT. Though I am leaning towards Cambridge more as of right now :P
